7 Feb 2008
Gong Xi Fa Cai! It's Chinese New Year! But I'm "jailed" at home with my little baby boy (Hee... It's confinement). I've finally reached the end of my pregnancy journey and start of another long, long motherhood journey...
THAT unforgettable day start at 11am. I make my usual gynae visit. I'm emotionally ready if Dr. Chong say i can delivery le. And I'm also feeling a bit tired with the big tummy
True enough, i'm 3cm dilated and cervix soften. All ready! Dr. Chong ask me to be admitted and he will break waterbag to start the contractions. As BB is already full term and with a slight big head, to wait longer, might make labour more difficult.
So we headed home, after lunch and bath. We packed and went to Mount Alvernia Hospital Delivery ward at 2.00pm.

That's me and hubby in the delivery ward, waiting for Dr. Chong to come to break my water bag. I've put on "empty drip".
See... I'm smiling... Haha... cos contraction is so mild that i can't really feel it.

Electronic Foetal monitor: To monitor BB heartbeat and my contractions.
Infusion pump for Syntocinon: "stupid" drip- labour hormone (a synthetic version of birth hormone, oxytocin) to strengthen contractions.

Dr. Chong come in at 3.20pm to break my waterbag. The midwife come in every 1/2 hourly to increase the oxytocin dose, from 6ml/hr to 12ml/hr to 24ml/hr... The contraction pain is still bearable and controllable at 12. But i "blur off" when she increase to 24.
The midwife give me my pethidine jab
at buttock to relax muscles and laughing gas, Entonox (mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide) to feel relax and floating *high*. I didn't go for epidural... cos i want to feel REAL labour.

He is enjoying the gas while i'm in great pain. At about 5.00pm, I've contraction every 5 mins and I'm 6cm dilated.
At about 7.30pm, Dr. Chong come in to start the active labour as i'm 9cm dilated. After PUSH and PUSH and PUSH... and a "cut"... Little Tsui came out after an hour! Finally! Such a relief...

Dr. Chong with screaming Little Tsui... after Daddy Tsui cut umbilical cord.
The nurse bring Little Tsui to me, keep asking me "BOY or GIRL". I'm so blur that i didn't answer. So she ask again. I say "BOY" with my "left-over "strength... Dr. Chong stitch me and congrat us. Ka Man called his parents and my parents to inform them the good news. Dr. Chong left and the nurses cleaned and weighed Little Tsui. He weigh 3165gms.
The midwife ask me whether i'm thirsty or hungry. She pass me a cup of warm milo. I drunk 1/2 cup and close my eyes to close. I felt dizzy so they decide to let me rest for a while at the delivery ward before going to my room. The nurses clean up the "bloodly mess" and change my clothes. But i vomited the milo. So they change my pajamas again. Then finally push me to my room to rest. Ka Man family and my family came to share the joy and left early for me to rest.
The whole night is a nightmare... Cos i feel hungry but can't take food or drink cos i scare i'll vomit again. Then also very anxious to see my baby to breastfeed him. The nurse finally push him into our room after midnight.
That's the end of my pregnancy journey.

Now I'm a MUMMY!