Welcome to my little pregnancy journal. It's all about Ka Man's and Karin's little baby... from the start!

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Saturday, August 25, 2007

An exciting trip to the Gynae again!

25 Aug 2007

It's 15weeks, 4days... This trip to the gynae will be a special one. So exciting for the ultra scan. We can see little Tusi moving in the womb. So cute... We can see the little head, heartbeat, the arms, legs... OMG! I can't believe it. A little life is growing in me....

Then came the important qns from Dr. Chong: "Do you want to know the gender of the baby?" OF COURSE! So he move the "scanner-like thing" around my tummy to get a different angle. Oh..Oh... Little Tsui is getting a bit naughty. Little Tusi cross his/her legs, then move about a bit then he/she uncross, then put the hands over the "important" part. Dr. Chong concluded that he can't confirmed. But he did mentioned there is a chance to be a boy.

Please refer to the scan printout below: (Make a guess!)

We've ask qns like whether I'm able to travel on Oct and also take driving test on Nov. Dr. Chong say it should not be a problem, he just need write us a letter. Ok, i think we are done at the gynae. Then i need to get some urine sample and blood sample for testing.

The next visit will be more wonderful. Cos i'm going for a detailed scan of Little Tsui. It'll be then we can see the little fingers, toes and face! WOW... Countdown now.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Old Wives' Tales to Predict the Sex of the Baby

Old Wives’ Tales to Predict the Sex of the Baby

If your left breast is bigger than the right during pregnancy, you're having a girl. If the right is bigger, it'll be a boy. If they are the same size, you're in for a surprise!

If you get moody during pregnancy you are more likely to have a girl. This is because all women are moody, and when carrying a girl you become doubly so.

If you carry the baby out front (others can’t see your pregnancy from behind) then you will have a boy. If others can tell that you are pregnant when looking at you from behind, then you will have a girl.

Have the mum-to-be pick up a key. If she picks it up by the round end, it will be a boy. If she picks it up by the long end, it will be a girl. Should she pick it up at the middle, twins are on the way.

If the mother's age at conception and the year of conception are both even or both odd, the baby is a girl. If one is even and one is odd, the baby is a boy.

Ask the mum-to-be to pick a number. Match the number with the corresponding letter of the alphabet (A=1, B=2 etc). Then ask her to choose a name beginning with that letter. If she chooses a boys name, it will be a boy. If she chooses a girls name, it will be a girl.

Hang a gold pendant (preferably one the mother wears often) over the palm of the mother’s hand. If the pendant moves in a circular motion, it will be a girl. If it swings back and forth, a boy is on the way.

If the mum-to-be was the more aggressive partner when the baby was conceived, it will be a boy. If the father was the more aggressive, the baby will be a girl.

If you suffer from acne during pregnancy, you will have a girl. What side does the mum-to-be lay on while she's resting? If she lies on her left, it's a boy; on her right, it's a girl. If young boys (pre-school age) show interest in you while you're pregnant, it will be a girl. If they ignore you, expect a boy.

Ask the mum-to-be to show you her hands. If she shows them palms up, it's a girl; palms down, a boy.

If you dream of girls, you will have a boy. If you dream of boys, you will have a girl.

Taken: http://www.childbirthsolutions.com/articles/pregnancy/oldwives/index.php

Saturday, August 18, 2007

How am I?

18 August 2007

Approaching 15 weeks pregnancy soon, how am I?

So HAPPY: Little Tusi is growing inside me.

A bit SILLY: Cos I dun feel as unwell as "normal" pregnant women. Morning sickness? NOPE! Tiring? Just a bit. Am I really pregnant? Hahaha... VERY STUPID THINKING.

A bit WORRIED: Can i handle the rest of the months? Am I eating well enough? How can i make the pills taking more easy?

Very EXCITED: For the next gynae visit on 25 August. We might have the chance to know Little Tusi is Ms. Tusi or Mr. Tusi...

Just ENJOY this pregnancy... a piece of advice from a friend. She mentioned, I'll miss this period when it's over...

Friday, August 17, 2007

Can I Travel Whilst Pregnant?

17 August 2007

I'm VERY BORING! I want to travel before Little Tsui come to the world. It's the only chance to travel light, without big tummy and newborn baby after that. I've read from internet article that 2nd trimester is the BEST time to travel...

Planning to go HK during my 21~22weeks of pregnacy or just any place that is suitable for a pregnant woman. Not Sentosa... i wan to get out of Singapore!

Taken from: http://www.kkh.com.sg/PatientHealthLibrary/WomensHealth/Pregnancy/care1.htm#12

Commercial air travel poses no special risks to an uncomplicated pregnancy. Domestic travel is usually permitted until 36 weeks gestation whereas international travel may be curtailed after the 32nd week of pregnancy.

You should always carry documents stating your expected date of delivery. In view of the increased risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (clots in the legs) in pregnancy, air travel should be kept to a minimum. It is advisable to walk every half an hour during a smooth flight and to flex and extend the ankles as well.

Fluids should also be taken liberally because of the dehydration effects of the low humidity in aircraft cabins. Certain conditions like severe anaemia (low blood count) or a low-lying placenta are relative contraindications to flying. Unexpected events may also occur e.g. vaginal bleeding or labour. It is important to seek medical assessment before air travel.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

A lot and a lot of shopping

11 August 2007

I've done our 2nd major maternity shopping today. The last shopping for maternity clothes have burn a $300+ hole in our pockets. The last visit to Thyme Maternity and 9mois have got myself 1 black shirt, 1 casual kaki pants, 1 black pants, 1 white pants. Then today we went to Spring maternity at Suntec. I got 2 tops, 1 jeans, 1 demin skirt, for about $170.

So currently, the total damage is nearly $500.

Opps... i forgot to include the flats and shoes i got. Hee...

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Let's spread our joy!

1 August 2007

I've hit the 12weeks mark! My 1st Trimester have ended! Another challenging period is yet to come... My 2nd Trimester from August to October. I heard a lot that the 2nd trimester is the best. I dunno yet, just step into week 12 ~13.

It's time to spread the joys to all. I'm not hiding this little secret. Cos my tummy is showing. Haha... My pants, skirts feel tight, even the low cut jeans will be soon "gone".

Little Tsui need more breathing space. My weight is now 54kg. WOW....