2 Jan 2008
Happy New Year to all!
Times files... I'm in my 34wks plus and start countdown soon. I've went to my gynae today with Ka Man and my Mum. It's the 1st time my mum see Dr. Chris Chong.
I've brought along a long list of questions. I've list them out for other MTB reference:-
Qns: Back aches caused by sleeping position
Ans: Need to stay active, maybe go swimming (BTW, i can't swim. So I practice pre-natal yoga at home sometime to loosen my bones and relax.)
Qns: Blue-greeny veins on chest area
Ans: Expand of breast tissues and skin become thiner, the veins are more obvious
Qns: Itchy tummy
Ans: Tummy is stretching to maximum and stretch mark are "coming" (Oh, oh...)
Qns: Chinese Herb
Ans: Not Recommend. But MIL buying some back from HK.
Qns: BB hippcup
Ans: Normal and not to worry
Qns: BB movement
Ans: At least 10 times a day
Qns: BB position at 34wks
Ans: Head downward but facing upward.
Not engaged for labour yet.
Good progress, preferred delivery after 37 wks (which is after 22 Jan... coming soon!)
Qns: BB weight and growth at 34wks
Ans: As predicted, BB is over 2kg now. Weighing at 2.55kg and with a slight bigger head measuring at 37wk
Qns: Mummy weight increase
Ans: 2 weeks ago is 64.4kg, now is measuring at 64.8kg
Qns: Doctor fee for normal and c-section
Ans: SGD$1k and SGD$1.6k respectively
Qns: Pain relief options during labour
Ans: I told him i dun wan epidural, laughing gas can be considered
Qns: With frequent V-infection, is it OK to opt for normal V-delivery
Ans: Have to conduct a Group B Streptococci test (GBS), a common bacteria screening. But it's still safe, just need to insert antibiotics during labour
Then we have also done the pre-admission for Mount Alvernia Hospital.
It will be an exciting new year with a new life!