How’s Little Tsui doing?
Little Tsui is a “Bruce Lee” at night. The little one is moving (spinning, kicking, pirouetting, and shimmying). I’ve ask Ka Man to touch my belly, he get a “mild sample” of what I’ve been experiencing. So fun!
How’s Mommy doing?
Getting a bit restless these few days... The “power consumption” is getting bigger. I get tired quite early. The bad habit of sleeping on the sofa is back in action (which Ka Man hates it!) Then infection is back in action too! Dr. Chong have reminded me again that this will be a ongoing battle with the infection throughout the pregnancy. What to do?! Sighz… The bb hormones…
And before i left for HK, Or i would say 1 month ago. I'm 57kg. Now I've gain again! I'm 59kg now. Approaching the number 6... So scary!
How’s Daddy doing?
Spending and spending for Little Tsui and Mommy! And headache on the names for Little Tsui.
I love your blog! I have two little boys of my own and what an incredible experience it is! Going through each stage of pregnancy really makes you realize how amazing life is. Once your baby is here you'll find it hard to ever put him down! Take care!
Thank you. It's my 1st time writing a blog just talking about myself. I would want my son to read this in the future, so that he know what mommy have gone through...
Hooray! For all young mommies! I enjoy ur blog entry on the belly button... So funny
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