Welcome to my little pregnancy journal. It's all about Ka Man's and Karin's little baby... from the start!

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Waiting game

29 Jan 2008

It's waiting game for me. I've start my maternity leave early, as Dr. Chong mentioned "It's ANY TIME". I've went to see him again yesterday for my infection again. He did the dressing and check again for my progress. I'm still 2cm dilated but my cervix has soften further. I don't want to induce as i still got time. At 38th weeks... Not overdue yet. So the next visit to gynae is on Sat.

As for me, brown and red bloody mucous have been seen. More lower back pain and aching feeling all over the body due to the weight of Little Tsui. I get tired easily and want to sleep more.

Yesterday evening, i felt contractions with a 25 mins interval twice then slow down to 1hr interval twice, then it disappear without getting stronger and more frequent. False alarm! Disappointed... It's Braxton hicks!

I've went online to search for information and found some informative websites:






Just paste the links here for sharing... My Amazing Journey is coming close to the finish line.

*Where is the next clue to the pit-stop?!"


Daphne said...

itz getting more and more exciting!

Purelyz said...

More and more scary...